Risk register

Risk register

Below are the description of all the uses of the working document “Risk register”:

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Estimate Activity Resources”.
Updates to the risk register are included with project documents updates, from Plan Risk Responses.”

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Estimate Activity Durations”.
The risk register provides the list of risks, along with the results of risk analysis and risk response planning. Updates to the risk register are included with project document updates described in

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Develop Schedule”.
The risk register provides the details of all identified risks and their characteristics that affect the schedule model.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Estimate costs”.
Risks, which can be either threats or opportunities, typically have an impact on both activity and overall project costs. As a general rule, when the project experiences a negative risk event, the near-term cost of the project will usually increase, and there will sometimes be a delay in the project schedule. In a similar way, the project team should be sensitive to potential opportunities that can benefit the business either by directly reducing activity costs or by accelerating the schedule.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Determine budget”.
The risk register should be reviewed to consider how to aggregate the risk response costs. Updates to the risk register are included with project document updates.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Plan quality management”.
The risk register contains information on threats and opportunities that may impact quality requirements.

“Risk Register” is an output for the process “Identify risks”.
The primary output from Identify Risks is the initial entry into the risk register. The risk register is a document in which the results of risk analysis and risk response planning are recorded. It contains the outcomes of the other risk management processes as they are conducted, resulting in an increase in the level and type of information contained in the risk register over time. The preparation of the risk register begins in the Identify Risks process with the following information, and then becomes available to other project management and risk management
processes: – List of identified risks. The identified risks are described in as much detail as is reasonable. A structure for describing risks using risk statements may be applied, for example, EVENT may occur causing IMPACT, or If CAUSE exists, EVENT may occur leading to EFFECT. In addition to the list of identified risks, the root causes of those risks may become more evident. These are the fundamental conditions or events that may give rise to one or more identified risks. They should be recorded and
used to support future risk identification for this and other projects.
– List of potential responses. Potential responses to a risk may sometimes be identified during the Identify Risks process. These responses, if identified in this process, should be used as inputs to the Plan Risk Responses process.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis “.
The risk register contains the information that will be used to assess and prioritize risks.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis “.
The risk register is used as a reference point for performing quantitative risk analysis.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Plan Risk Responses”.
The risk register refers to identified risks, root causes of risks, lists of potential responses, risk owners, symptoms and warning signs, the relative rating or priority list of project risks, risks requiring responses in the near term, risks for additional analysis and response, trends in qualitative analysis results, and a watch list, which is a list of lowpriority risks within the risk register.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Control Risks”.
The risk register has key inputs that include identified risks and risk owners, agreed-upon risk responses, control actions for assessing the effectiveness of response plans, risk responses, specific implementation actions, symptoms and warning signs of risk, residual and secondary risks, a watch list of low-priority risks, and the time and cost contingency reserves. The watch list is within the risk register and provides a list of low-priority risks.

“Risk Register” is an input for the process “Plan Procurement management”.
The risk register provides the list of risks, along with the results of risk analysis and risk response planning. Updates to the risk register are included with project document updates described in .

This definition was found in the PMBOK V5

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