Issue log

Issue log

Below are the description of all the uses of the working document “Issue log”:

“Issue Log” is an input for the process “Manage project team”.
Issues arise in the course of managing the project team. An issue log can be used to document and monitor who is responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date.

“Issue Log” is an input for the process “Control communications “.
It may be used to facilitate communication and ensure a common understanding of issues. A written log documents and helps to monitor who is responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date. Issue resolution addresses obstacles that can block the team from achieving its goals. This information is important to the Control Communications process as it provides both a repository for what has already happened in the project and a platform for subsequent communications to be delivered.

“Issue Log” is an output for the process “Manage Stakeholder Engagement”.
Managing stakeholder engagement may result in the development of an issue log. This log is updated as new issues are identified and current issues are resolved.

“Issue Log” is an input for the process “Control Stakeholder Engagement”.
The issue log is updated as new issues are identified and current issues are resolved.

This definition was found in the PMBOK V5

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